Which database does Facebook & Google use ?

Facebook has moved to a NoSQL database named HBase. Google uses their own system called BigTable. What is NoSQL ? NoSQL is a term used to designate databases which differ from classic relational databases. NoSQL database management systems are useful when working with a huge quantity of data when the data's nature does not require a relational model. The data can be structured, but NoSQL is used when what really matters is the ability to store and retrieve great quantities of data, not the relationships between the elements.

How to Search On Google Effectively!

Using the search engine Google is so popular, it’s become a verb in its own right. Looking up things on the internet is a science nearly perfected by Google, but sometimes the keywords you input make all the difference in the search engine results you get.
Here’s how to Google effectively:
1.Don’t be afraid to search the phrase or keywords that are exactly in your head. For example, if you’re looking for that movie Angelina Jolie had with that guy whose first name is James, simply type in the keywords, “Angelina Jolie, James, movie” and the title of the movie will come up. You can also ask questions like, “Where is Nigeria located?” and Google will give you a straightforward answer.

2.You can make you search engine results more refined with these simple techniques. For example, if you want to look up the show Weeds, you have to remove the other things that are also identified as weeds. Simply use a minus (-) preceding the term that you want excluded. For example, “Weeds, -plant, -drugs” will instruct Google to remove them from the results page.

3.If you are looking for something that comes in more than two words, use quotation marks (”) before and after the words. For example, searching for “kentucky” and “bluegrass” may yield results about both Kentucky and forms of bluegrass. But putting “kentucky bluegrass” together in quotation marks will yield results about the grass type that you are looking for.

 4.If you are looking for something that comes in more than two words, use quotation marks (”) before and after the words. For example, searching for “kentucky” and “bluegrass” may yield results about both Kentucky and forms of bluegrass. But putting “kentucky bluegrass” together in quotation marks will yield results about the grass type that you are looking for.

5.The more search keywords you can come up with, the better. For example, if you’re looking for the lyrics of a certain song, including the name of the artist and even a few snippets of the lyrics are enough for Google to give you the results you were looking for. Don’t be afraid to mix it up, use more words and use different words. The more variety in your keywords, the better.

6.If you want to look for a file or documents, type the keywords and “filetype:put the filetype here”. For example, if you want a copy of Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar in pdf form, type, “Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar, filetype:pdf”.

7.If you want to limit your Google search to one website, type the keyword followed by “site:website.com” For example, if you want to look up Ginny Weasley on Mugglenet.com, type: “ginny weasley site:mugglenet.com”

8.You can save time sifting through the search results by limiting yourself to the first two pages Google yields. Pages three and up become less relevant to the search keywords. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, try a new set of keywords and Google again.


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