Which database does Facebook & Google use ?

Facebook has moved to a NoSQL database named HBase. Google uses their own system called BigTable. What is NoSQL ? NoSQL is a term used to designate databases which differ from classic relational databases. NoSQL database management systems are useful when working with a huge quantity of data when the data's nature does not require a relational model. The data can be structured, but NoSQL is used when what really matters is the ability to store and retrieve great quantities of data, not the relationships between the elements.

Four steps to getting that job !

Four steps to getting that job

As the latest UK unemployment figures come out, BBC News asks four experts for their tips for prospective job-hunters.
They give their advice on how to approach that all-important job interview - from what you wear to how you can use body language to impress your potential future boss.

How to prepare for the interview

 Sue Powell: "Preparation is key when it comes to job interviews"


Sue Powell is a relationship and career coach and she says that "preparation is key" when it comes to doing well in a job interview.
She tells BBC News about the kinds of things candidates can do to prepare themselves before an interview.
This includes doing some research on the company you are applying to, and making sure there are no inappropriate pictures of yourself available on the internet.

How to deal with interview nerves

 Neil Mullarkey: "Learn, look, listen and link"


Neil Mullarkey is a comedian and improviser who advises business people on communication.
He gave BBC News a few tips on how to beat the nerves and stay cool under pressure.
He says the key is to breathe deeply and listen closely to the questions you are being asked.

What to wear 

 Sudarshan Singh: "You have to look professional"


For many people, job interviews can be nerve-racking - but a bit of preparation and a few simple techniques can make them less painful.
It is important that candidates give the right impression and this means wearing smart and professional clothing.
Sudarshan Singh is a personal stylist. He tells BBC News what kind of clothes to wear to an interview.

How to perform well in the interview

 Carly Stephens: "Let them know you want the job"


Carly Stephens is a recruitment director at Maine-Tucker. Here she explains how to perform to the best of your ability in an interview situation.
She says one of the most important things is to give tangible examples of your experience in your answers.
source:Bbc news

The BBC Lab UK's Get Yourself Hired Test takes 20 minutes and includes practical job seeking advice from The Apprentice winner Tim Campbell.


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